DIMCONTROL Dimmer in electrician's type wall cabinet - 3 to 24 circuits - 3 or 5Kw / Product sheet 2 pages DIMMERPACK Dimmer in 19" 3U or 4U rack - 3 to 12 circuits - 2.4Kw, 3Kw or 5Kw / Product sheet 2 pages SHOWRACK Dimmer in 7U to 20U flight case - 6 to 48 circuits - 2.4Kw to 5Kw / Product sheet 2 pages TOURING SHOWRACK Modular dimmer in flight case chassis - 48 to 84 circuits / Product sheet 2 pages
MC7000 Manual consoles with memories - 2 preparations - 8/16 to 24/48 circuits MC7500 Manual consoles with memories - 2 preparations - LCD screen - 16/32 to 32/64 circuits
>> All NSI console manuals are available in French.or English version
Also available manuals for the former NSI models:
Melange - Melange Pro - MLC16 - MC24/48 - PMC - NCM 7200 - NCM 6500 - NCM 6200 - NCM 1600 - NCM 708 / NCM 716 - NCM 508 - MIDI 616 - NRD 8000
CDMX series standard converter
CDMX General documentation standards converters (1 page)
BDMX series line amplifier