Technical information about our power dimmers
Important and necessary information.
To read and understand before installing and/or using a power dimmer.
Our dimmers are rated for a power of 2.4kW, 3kW, 4kW, 10kW, for continuous use on all circuits.
Depending on the mains voltage and the protection mode (fuses or circuit breakers), the maximum power of use may differ from that announced.
Calculation method
Mains voltage x Protection value = Maximum power of use
Value correspondence table
Calculating the power of dimmers
Description of the protections required for using a dimmer
In order to choose a protection that complies with safety standards (NFC15-100 for France), it is essential to be familiar with the nature of the current and the neutral system.
General case: 240V
Three-phase 220/240V mains, TT or IT system: Star connection, neutral to earth, mass to earth
Circuit protection: Single-pole protection + neutral cut-off (term used: Uni+N), fuse or circuit breaker
Cases where two-pole protection is absolutely necessary
Protection by two-pole circuit breaker or by 2 fuses
- Three-phase 220V/240V mains, delta connection in all cases
Special cases
TNC or TNS system: Please contact us.
All our dimmers are designed for use from 220V to 240V, whatever the case (110/220V optional).
DIGILIGHT Sarl - 8 rue des Usines
25350 MANDEURE - France